Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Garlic naan at Saffron lndian Bistro

During our christmas vacation we visited a indian restaurant. This restaurant is in downtown virginia beach.
My parents ordered Garlic Naan and  I wondered what it was. The waiter brought it to the table and I wondered what it was going to look like.

The first thing I saw was the basil on top! They also cut it like a pizza into slices. It came with some dipping sauce but I didn't like it.

I liked the garlic but the basil didn't have any taste. It was a little salty and you could barely taste the pepper.

This is the first time I  ever tasted naan and it was delicous!!!!


  1. Glad you liked the naan! I liked it, too.

  2. Wow, I moved from Virginia Beach a year ago and we used to go to that restaurant. I'm really glad you enjoyed the Naan. Did you get to try a mango lassi? If not, ask your parents if you can try one if you ever get to go again. They're delicious! :)

  3. Looks good, Aidan! Kudos to you for trying new things- we need you to hang out with Aaron more and show him how new food is fun!! :)

    Love your blog- I have one too! :)

  4. I am excited to live vicuriously through your stomach kid I was recently told I am to maintain a strict gluten free diet so I am excited to see all the delicious things you have and will be trying

  5. That does look good. I live near downtown Va Beach so I'll have to check it out sometime.

  6. Thanks everyone for your kind comments to our son. He seems to be anxious to write more because people are interested. He informed us last night that we will have to eat out at least once a week now! :)

  7. way to go Aidan..i'll have to try it....

  8. Hi my cousin! I don't think you've ever met me. It is super awesome that you liked the naan and really cool that you have a blog to write about the foods you try. Can't wait for more posts! Next time you go to Indian food, if you haven't tried paneer yet you should :)
